Fostering Fellowship, Education and Service to the Community
Article I. Name: The name of this organization shall be Rhododendron Quilt Guild. (For the purposes of these by-laws Rhododendron Quilt Guild will be referred to as “the Guild”)
Article II. Objective: The objective of Rhododendron Quilt Guild is to promote and encourage the art of quilting of all types. This Guild shall be conducted as a non-profit basis and its aims shall be bring together friendly cooperation in all endeavors.
All members must take an interest in Quilting and show their willingness to participate when called upon.
Article III. Membership: Any person interested in the objectives of this Guild may make application for membership accompanied by the annual dues. (See Standing Rules)
Article IV. Officers: The officers of this Guild shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Co Secretary, Treasurer, Co Treasurer. Programs Director and Co-Program Director to be elected for a term of one(1) year.
Section 1 The President shall preside over all meetings of the Guild and have general superintendence of the affairs of the Guild. Appointing such committees as are authorized by the Executive Board for conducting the business of the Guild.
Section 2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence for whatever cause and shall provide her any assistance needed. The Vice President shall have the duty of serving as the raffle quilt chairperson.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Guild and the Executive Board and carry on the Guild's correspondence. The Co Secretary shall assume these duties in the absence of the Secretary for whatever cause and shall assist her in every way.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive and keep account of all monies of the Guild. Keeping special accounts in the Guild's name . The Treasurer shall keep a record of all disbursements and receipts. Purchases by the Guild shall be authorized by the Executive Board and or the membership. Checks issued on behalf of the Guild shall be signed by the Treasurer or other Executive Board member as preregistered at the l coal bank hold the account The Co Treasurer shall assume these duties in the absence of the Treasurer and shall provide her any assistance needed.
Section 5. The Program Director will be in charge of all programs for the Guild. She will be responsible for obtaining instructors to give lessons or programs for the benefit of the membership. The Co Program Director shall assume these duties in the absence of the Program Director and shall provide her any assistance needed. Only the Program Director or Co Program Director may commit the Guild to expenses for lessons.
Section 6. Should any officer be unable to perform her duties, the co officer will assume the vacated office. If both officer and co officer are unable to carry out their duties, an interim officer will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board to complete the term.
Article V. Meetings: The Guild shall hold meetings every month. (see Standing Rules for times etc) Adult and young adults guests are welcome.
Article VI. Executive Board: The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers, their co officers and the program Director. The duties of the Board shall be to govern the Guild and serve as a nominating committee. Only officers and their co officers may vote on Executive Board issues. They shall have no authority to levy assessments upon the members of the Guild.
Article VII. Parliamentary Authority: The procedures of this Guild shall follow “Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Order”
Article IX. Changes to Standing Rules: Changes to the Standing Rules may be made at any regular meeting by a vote of one over 50% of those in attendance. Notice shall be published in the Newsletter and on the Website preceding the Vote.
Article X. Dissolution of Guild: Upon dissolution of the Guild, Remaining assets would be distributed to a local charity chosen by a vote of the membership.
Revised February 11, 2022
ARTICLE 1. MEMBERSHIP: Annual dues shall be twenty-five ($25) dollars. Dues must be paid by current members by the 30th of September to be included as a member in the directory, receive the monthly newsletter, have voting privileges, and attend Guild functions. Dues for new members will be $25.00 for the year. Dues paid by new members after March 1st will be prorated to $12.50 for half year. A member must have paid their dues to be in good standing.
Majority Vote 8-9-22 to increase dues to $30.00 per year starting for calendar year 2022-2023 with extra $5.00 for a printed Membership directory.
ARTICLE 2. ELECTIONS: Elections shall be held in August and officers will assume their duties from September 1 through August 31.
ARTICLE 3. TREASURY: The Treasurer may keep a $50.00 petty cash fund to pay bills submitted under $10.00. All other bills will be paid by check. The Treasurer will reimburse those expenses which have been incurred on behalf of the Guild. Prior approval of the Board must be received in advance of such purchases.
ARTICLE 4. MEETINGS: The Guild shall hold meetings the second and fourth week of every month . The day of the week and time of the meeting may change based on availability and or meeting place restrictions. Adult guests are welcome to attend these meetings; however, only members have voting and project participation privileges. The first meeting of the month will consist of a business meeting and the second meeting will be for projects. All projects using the “Rhododendron Quilt Guild” name must be approved by the majority of the membership prior to the project start. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for non-members attending a meeting where there is a paid speaker or a paid instructor presenting. The Program chair will remind members prior to the guest’s appearance.
ARTICLE 5. COMMITTEES: The following committees shall be appointed by the President within two weeks following the election of officers. The new President shall submit the list of new committee chairs to the Executive Board for approval.
Quilt Show Chair shall be a volunteer appointed by the President if the Guild votes by majority vote to have a show and members declare a willingness to serve on committees for the show. The Chair will delegate responsibilities to the committee members who are then responsible for carrying out their assigned tasks in a timely manner. The Chair shall see that tasks are completed on schedule and give assistance to committee members in need. She shall keep a detailed list of expenditures and present them with a dated receipt to the Executive Board for reimbursement.
Budget Committee shall consist of three members, volunteers appointed by the President, who meet with the Treasurer one month after the installation of new officers to plan an operating budget for the Guild’s expenses for the following year. This budget will be reviewed by the Executive Board and submitted to the general membership at a regular meeting. The budget must be approved by a majority of the members present.
Membership Chair shall be the Guild’s greeter. She will monitor the sign-in table, greet guests and members, make sure guests sign the appropriate space, see that they get a temporary name tag, and that information about the Guild is provided. She will also be responsible for giving information packets to new members. The Membership Chair may select a Co-Membership Chair to assist her if needed. Should the Membership Chair and the Co-Membership Chair be unable to attend a meeting, the Membership Chair will be responsible for having someone take her place.
New Member Ambassadors: Volunteers will make our new members feel welcome. Sit with them at the first couple of meetings Answer questions and explain how things are done. Help them navigate being a new member.
Publicity Chair She is responsible for seeing that any event worthy of community news is given to the local newspaper and radio stations
Photographer shall take pictures as needed. Her expenses for photos taken of Guild activities shall be reimbursed by the Guild. Photos should be posted to Rhody Quilt Webpage and RHODODENDRON QUILT GUILD Facebook page.
Hospitality/Sunshine Chair shall be responsible for Guild potlucks. The Hospitality Chair may select as many volunteers as needed to help her. The Guild will furnish money for decorations and service. The Guild will have an annual summer potluck picnic on the regular meeting day in the 4th week in August. She should coordinate snacks and drinks at meetings.
Block of the Month Chair shall provide a finished block one month prior to the drawing for the completed blocks. The pattern will provide directions and will be available at each meeting. Guild shall purchase the fabric to be used to maintain cohesive look, participants to pay a fee for a kit. Price will depend on amount of fabric included. Purpose of fee is to cover costs. Membership may opt to make additional blocks to be used for giving quilts as need arises.
Community Service Chair shall select various projects for the year that will benefit various community groups.
Newsletter Chair shall be responsible for publishing, emailing and mailing to those without email, a monthly newsletter in a timely manner. They should be responsible for Rqguild@gmail.com email routing them to appropriate person to handle. Newsletter should be sent from Rqguild@gmail.com
The Guild has a prepaid account for copies at Shipping Solutions.
ARTICLE 6. QUILT SHOW: The quilt show will be held as approved by the membership using a majority vote.The show will normally be held the weekend of Rhody Days. The show shall carry the theme and name “A Wave of Quilts” from the year 2007 forward.
GIVING QUILT: Quilts may be made every year if ratified by the membership by majority vote. A non profit may solicit the Guild for a quilt by submitting an application. If multiple applications are received and a choice is needed, the choice would be by vote of majority of attendance at a meeting. Notice of vote will be sent prior to meeting. The chosen non profit would be responsible for their own fund raising. Guild would not be main fundraiser, but members may participate if they choose.
At anytime the Guild may vote to go back to holding raffles. Proceeds from the sale of tickets (less the quilt expenses) will be divided between the selected Charity and Guild Education, the percentage to be determined by the Executive Board and ratified by the members. Each member is recommended to be responsible for selling or purchasing a minimum of $20.00 in tickets.
ARTICLE 8. GUILD SPONSORED SALES: Boutique, Destash or any Guild sponsored sales , proceeds should go toward Guild Education/ Program Fund. Boutique: Items are either donated or on consignment at 10% commission to the Guild. Destash events or other similar community events, should be discussed with membership at a meeting. A vote of board officers should make the decision of how to distribute funds if needed.
May 13-2022 Majority vote to Charge a 10% commission on all quilt sales and boutique sales to go to the Guild.
ARTICLE 9. SILENT AUCTION: Sales of donated items will go toward the Guild’s General Fund.
ARTICLE 10. GUILD MONEY: can be used only for things that the entire membership can participate in provided they wish to participate.
ARTICLE 11. RECOGNITION COMMITTEE: The Recognition Committee shall maintain a policy regarding Guild response to special circumstances in our members’ lives such as death, illness, service, and accomplishment. The Recognition Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President and the Committee shall consist of one member from the Executive Board and two members from the general membership.
Section 1. For all of the following, we are dependent on Guild members letting the Recognition Committee Chair know of the need. The newsletter will also express our concern and caring.
Section 2. Bereaved member: Loss of member, member’s spouse or child - flowers, plants, or comparable remembrance accompanied by a card shall be given by the Guild.
Section 3. Serious illness: Guild member suffering illness or surgery a card will be sent.
Section 4. Family illness: A “Thinking of You” card shall be sent.
Section 5. Special occasion: marriage, significant anniversary - a card shall be sent.
Section 6. Outgoing President: In appreciation of her service, members may wish to make individual blocks from their own fabric. The Block of the Month Chair shall consult with the President to get her preferences for color and pattern she favors. This is entirely a volunteer endeavor.
ARTICLE 12. ADVERTISING: The Guild will allow local quilt related business to advertise in the membership directory. Guild members in good standing, will be allowed to advertise their quilting business for free. Non members should pay $10.00 yearly, per ad.
Article 13: Webmaster and Facebook Admin. Shall maintain the information on the Webpage WWW.Rhodyquilt.com and the Facebook page of RHODODENDRON QUILT GUILD. Keeping current Guild events and information up to date on Website and adding to FB files for reference. Adding newsletter items to the Webpage.
Article14: RETREAT
Retreat shall be planned by program chair or retreat chairperson, making the reservation for the retreat.
Members wishing to attend should sign up and pay a deposit to hold their place .Attendance is limited based on accommodations.
Payment: Retreat deposit will be prepaid by Guild Program fund to be reimbursed by all participants attending the retreat. Total cost of each retreat should be divided equally among participants To attend payment in full will be required by the deadline date for each retreat planned.
Cancellations: A wait list should be kept in case an attendee is not able to attend, the next name on the list will be notified. If they are able to attend, new attendee should reimburse the cancelled attendee for the cost of retreat that has been paid.
If you are not able to attend no refund will be given by the Guild.
The Guild will not assume any responsibility for damages at the retreat..
Guild should not assume any of the expense of unpaid retreat attendees. No refunds will be given by the Guild without approval of the board.
Storage: We rent a storage unit for storing items that belong to the guild and are used for benefit of members such as irons, ironing boards, quilt show signs and operating supplies. party supplies. Picnic supplies, Microphone, Quilt display stands. Records storage of documents. Etc. The unit is at Florence Mini Storage, key-holders are President, Programs Chair, Community Service Chair, Hospitality Sunshine and Quilt Show Chair.
Definition of Bank Accounts;
4-8-22 Board decision to allow Guild to use one bank account and expenses are as follows:
General Fund: Funds from Dues, Sale of Donated items, Directory advertising. Funds used for miscellaneous operation expenses. Newsletter Postage, copies, Post office box rent, meeting room rent, party supplies, annual website renewal and domain renewal.
Education/ Programs Fund: Funds from guests at paid presentations and proceeds from guild supported sales.
Funds to be used for education and programs to benefit membership, payment of speakers, and speaker accommodations, meals, transportation. Block of the month proceeds and expenses. Any other expense necessary in providing programs or speakers for the benefit of membership.
Majority vote is defined as 50% +1 in attendance with advance notice sent by email and or announced at a meeting, put in newsletter and posted on our Website.